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Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Board Game Weekend 2018

One of my highlights of Spring every year is the Board Game Weekend in Tösstal, which happens on the last weekend in April.

This year the Board Game Weekend celebrated its 10th anniversary and I attended for the 7th time in a row :).

My personal goals for this weekend was to play as many new games as possible. In the end I played 30 rounds of 24 distinct games, only three of which I had played before.

My personal favorites were:
  • Biosphere: A complex game where you try to win by specializing your species in certain areas which allow you to spread across the board and reach goals which change every game. There are 300 dice in the box, but you don't roll a single one of them, since the dice indicate how long a specimen of your species will live. A very clever mechanism and a game I'm looking forward to play many more times.
  • Drop It: Dropping a piece of wood into a vertical game board sounds like Four Connect (Vier Gewinnt), but the clue is that there are no separators. This leads to surprising effects when gravity and physics combine to bounce a carefully placed piece into the wrong corner. A quick and addictive game, which can lead to a sore neck, from checking whether the piece is above the scoring line or not.
  • Skyjo: Staring at twelve face down cards can be quite tense. Every turn you take a card and then decide whether you replace a card that is face up, or one that is face down or just discard this card and reveal a face down card. At the end of the game you try to get as few points as possible. The groans are loud when your replace a face down -2 with a 0 and the next player will thank you for it. Easy to learn, hard to master, fun to play.
The date for Board Game Weekend 2019 is already marked in my calendar :D.



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