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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Cinema at the Main Station

All in all I've seen 5 movies at this event.

Kung Fu Hustle: Extremely funny Eastern-Action-Comedy. 8/10

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: It works very good as a science-fiction comedy, however, in the second part of the movie they strayed a bit too far from the original plot. 8/10

Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Fantastic Action movie with a lot of funny scenes thrown in. 9/10

Madagascar: The newest Dreamworks masterpiece doesn't quite reach the level of Shrek, but it is still worth seeing. Especially the penguins, who are my favorite characters in this flick. 8/10

Every movie was worth watching, unfortunately I saw the best movie (Sin City) first, so I tended to compare the others to it.


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