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Saturday, November 25, 2006


The party is over and I'm slowly recovering :). It was a blast and a fantastic experience, though we never would have expected that it led to so much work! We started very early on Monday morning and barricaded the school till 8.30am. There were two ways for students to get into the buildings:
1. Buying one of our diploma books.
2. Mastering an obstacle course with cemented boots on the feet.
Afterwards, some of us served breakfast till 10am. This was also the time when the three bars opened. One in the cellar (our bar for the day), and two on the ground floor. There was music everywhere, as well as concerts on the main stage.
The procedure was the same every day. Only the course of studies responsible for the barricades and the bars changed.
Tuesday was an easy day, because we had no duties and I used it to recover :).
Wednesday and Thursday were very busy, however. First security and then bar duty.

Pictures will follow!

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