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Friday, December 19, 2008

Movie Marathon

After having finished early with our task and packing I had half a day to spare. The natural thing was of course to go the the movies ;). After mainly frequenting South Side Works the last couple of times, I decided to go to Waterfront instead because they offered a bigger selection for cheaper prices (US$ 5.00 / movie) and so I saw:
- Transporter 3: A cool action movie with a couple of unbelievable stunts and very cool fight scenes.
- Madagascar 2: As with the first part the penguins were the secret stars and my favorite element in the movie, however, they couldn't carry the whole movie on their own, also because they didn't get that much screen time. And so I was rather disappointed with the movie and will not watch it again anytime soon.
- Bolt: Bolt on the other hand was a hit! Cute, witty and incredibly funny. Even though it is not a Pixar movie it is well worth your time!



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