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David Eggerschwiler
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Games & Early Thanksgiving

Even though I attended another Game Club meeting yesterday, it was cut short by other plans. But one thing after another.

At the Game Club I played Tigris & Euphrat, one of my favorites, and Brass. Brass is a strategy game revolving around the industrial revolution offering a very interesting game play, and I don't say that just because I won the game ;).

But then it was time for the official part of the evening. Our program held an early Thanksgiving Dinner at the Pittsburgh Golf Club, an event I couldn't miss! The food was very authentic - turkey, sweet potatoes (with marshmallow topping), cranberry sauce, beans and more - and extremely delicious. So in the true spirit of Thanksgiving (eating too much ;) ) I had two helpings of the main course and tried all the deserts. The Pumpkin Tiramisu was quite exotic but also very tasty. Even though the evening ended a bit abruptly, and we didn't get a chance to take more group pictures, it was a very pleasant experience ^^.

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  • Hey David!

    Happy Thanksgiving from Berlin! Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading :-)

    Oh and if you ever get the chance to try out the upcoming new edition of Cosmic Encounters at the gaming club - gimme a shout, yes?

    And just to make you envious - we'll have Lobo and CvA over this Thursday for a fun evening with authors and music. I'll say hi to them from you, 'kay?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:44 PM  

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