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Monday, August 15, 2005

Week 2

I've been pretty busy at work and am making good progress.
On Wednesday I returned to the Registration office and got my visa extended, unbelievably it only took me slightly over one hour!

Thomas, my roommate, came back from his fieldtrip on Tuesday, we get along really good, unfortunately he'll leave tomorrow. On Wednesday and Friday we went out clubbing to Strings, a music club with a live band. I liked it there, because they play all sorts of music, even some Rock.

At the end of the week people started leaving. First Hannah, early on Saturday morning to go to Bejing, then Katerina on Sunday and today Dafni and Elly.

So we spent a lot of time together to say goodbye and to reminiscence about the good times we had together.

On Thursday we entered Quiz Night at Dave’s Place, the pub we hang out at the most often, and we came in second place!

Yesterday we went to Karaoke. This is the first time I’ve tried it and it was great fun!


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