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Monday, December 07, 2009


December is always a good time to visit Leipzig, because it is this time of the year that Christian von Aster's famous Christmas Reading takes place. This time it was under the Motto "Buchstabensuppenkasperletheater" (loosely translated: Letter Soup Punch & Judy Show") and the decoration was aptly chosen.

Christian von Aster's big entrance

The reading was a blast even though our dear artist was labouring under a severe cold. I of course used this opportunity to complete my collection with books and accessories which were released while I was away. At the end I had my bags were filled to the brim ;).

On Sunday I had the chance to accompany Christian to his reading in Chemnitz and thus I got two events for the price of one! ;)

All pictures from Leipzig can be seen in my webalbum.

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