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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Labia & Backwash @ Kraftfeld

After a two-year absence Labia returned to the Kraftfeld in Winterthur and same as last time they played together with Backwash again. Kraftfeld is a cute little club close to the former Sulzer Areal, in addition to a stylish bar there is a separate room where the concerts and parties are held. The stage is pretty small though and so the five guys from Backwash had to stand close together to all find a place to play. But Backwash weren't the only ones who had to stand together, the audience had to as well. Backwash played according to their music style, they rocked, rolled and kicked ass! They played a very solid show which lasted all of an hour. They even had to give an encore to please the crowd.

About two meters above the stage was a platform. On it Phillip's drum kit was installed and loomed there as a promise of what was to come. And so after a short break Labia took to the stage and performed one of their best shows in recent history. After a short time, in which people got tuned in to Labia's sound, the crowd went simply bonkers. I can't remember having seen such a heavy moshpit in any Labia concert, except maybe their now legendary performance at Krach am Bach back in 2003. Their show was very well staged. Phillip's position above the rest of the band was greatly enhanced by the lighting and so for once he was equally visible on stage as the rest of the band. The crowds energy flowed back on stage and Labia used and enforced it by their powerful and hard set. Even though Fernando insisted that they didn't have an encore to play, the crowd didn't let loose until they played Limbus. During which Ari's guitar had a breakdown due to a too enthusiastic moshpitter who landed on stage... but they managed to bridge the pause until Ari found a workaround to finish the song. And so ended one of Labia's longest gigs, which lasted well over an hour.


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