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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Labia & Henchman @ Böröm Pöm Pöm

Having missed the last two Labia concerts in December because of my vacation, it was a no-brains decision to go support them in Oberentfelden.

Böröm Pöm Pöm, was the location of this gig. A small, but neat party location in the industry zone of Oberengstringen. It may sound like the end of the world, but there is a connection to the autobahn just down the road.

Labia played a very powerful and energetic metal set. And, as usual, I was happily head-banging in the first row :). At times I almost missed the older quieter songs, I could have used them to get my breath back. Five new songs (either all new or songs that I haven't heard before) were part of their set, showing a tendency to harder metal, maybe a consequence of the addition of Phillip on the drums. I very much liked what I heard and had a fantastic time. My neck still feels like it isn't sure if it wants to stay connected to my head ;).

Headlining the evening were Henchman, promoting their new album Unmistaken. They convinced with solid, energetic alternative rock, definitely a band to keep an ear out for. Which shouldn't be too hard, with their CD now part of my modest music collection :).

Between the two concerts I used the free time to have a look at the approaching lunar eclipse. I even spotted the red moon at the hight of the eclipse after the gig, unfortunately there were a lot of clouds around and I couldn't get a picture... Maybe next time in 20 years or so :).

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  • Oberentfelden und Oberengstringen tönt ja schon ziemlich ähnlich, aber sie sind nicht wirklich am selben Ort. Oberengstringen ist in der nähe von mir und dann hättest du mich auch am Konzert gesehen. Leider war das Konzerst aber in OberENTFELDEN und dies liegt nicht gerade in der nähe von mir. :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:57 PM  

  • Oops, da war ich wohl ein bisschen übermüdet als ich das schrieb... Danke für den Hinweis :)

    By Blogger David, at 2:18 AM  

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