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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


What would you do with the ability to see two minutes into the future? This interesting question is the premise of the movie Next starring Nicolas Cage.

For most of his life Chris Johnson (Cage) was hiding in play sight with a small magic act in Las Vegas. He used his gift to survive and earn some money on the gambling table. But then suddenly 8 million people are in danger and the FBI is after him to use his unique ability...

The movie is great entertainment and there are many amusing scenes, especially in the first half. In the second part the plot begins to tighten and suspense kicks in. There are some extremely cool pursuits both with cars and on foot. Even if the end disappoints a bit, I'm quite sure that Philip K. Dick's story (on which the movie is based) finished a couple of minutes earlier, it was time well spent :)

Rating: 8.5/10



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