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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Board Games return

Saturday of the first school week brought a reunion with the board game club. This time I already joined them at 1pm, when it officially started and so I got the opportunity to play lots of games (some of them even new ones):
  • Tsuro: A fast and easy game where the players have to follow lines and try to stay on the board.
  • Puerto Rico: An intriguing plantation / settlement game.
  • Tichu: Still cool card game. Best was when I managed to disrupt our opponents Tichu and Grand Tichu.
  • Euphrat & Tigris: My non-combat strategy left me with the biggest empire but not enough tokens to win the game, still was a fun round.
  • Saint Petersburg: A cool money management board game, which I managed to win by a slight margin :)
  • Alhambra: An intriguing palace building game, which I lost by a big margin, this was probably the revenge for Saint Petersburg ;)
  • El Grande: An older game which won the German "Game of the Year" Award in 1996. Despite this recommendation we couldn't warm to the game, which seemed to random at times.
  • Dominion: To finish we played two rounds of Dominion of which I won the second with a well-functioning Market-Village-Festival Strategy.

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