The Ankh-Morpork Times
David Eggerschwiler
Ankh-Morpork Times
Part 2: The Gobi
Part 3: UB again
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Part 5: UB again and conclusion
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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Part 1: Ulan Bator

This time I flew with Aeroflot from Zurich to Moscow and from Moscow to Ulan Bator (UB). The worst were the 7 hours I had to spend in Moscow airport, where there is absolutely nothing to do except shopping, and even this looses its thrill pretty soon. The best was the flight to UB, for whatever reason I was flying business class! Lots of space, nice food and even a white tablecloth.

In Daka's guesthouse, a very nice place with a fantastic breakfast but at 10 US$ a bit expensive, I met my friends, Ursula, Christa and Tabea who took the Trans-Siberian train from Moscow to UB. We soon started to plan our first trip. We soon agreed on the Ger to Ger trip to the Gobi desert. I was pretty amazed though that they recognized me in the Ger to Ger office. However, I was flabbergasted when I saw my picture on the front page of their new flyer!

I used the time in UB to meet up with Burmaa, a former co-worker, to arrange for a tailor. A tailcoat it should be, which I could then use for our diploma celebrations in November.


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