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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Who wants to study at the University of Florida?

This week I finally received an update from the University of Florida. I was not only accepted but also qualified for an Achievement Award for New Engineering Graduate Students thanks to my very good GRE scores. Reading the rest of the email I noticed the reply by date, which was the 21st of March!

The day after I received another e-mail from the University of Florida, this was a bit directer and asked me why I haven't yet responded to the "several e-mails reminding you that you have been accepted". This reminded me of Guido's story, he received first this "reminder" e-mail before he received his note of acceptance.

In a way this was the perfect end to my relationship with the University of Florida, which stood under a bad star from the beginning. First I had trouble with their online application form (e.g. I couldn't enter my international phone number, my letter of motivation was truncated without warning) then I received an email telling me that the application status would be visible online, however the five step process to get to this page could only be completed with the Internet Explorer (Firefox somehow wasn't compatible) and when I finally was on the page there was no mention of the status of my application...

All in all the University of Florida didn't leave the best impression behind and I may even have declined their offer if they were the only ones to accept me... And with an offer from Carnegie Mellon University they had no chance of my attendance at all.

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