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Monday, April 21, 2008


Last week I spent in Oberschan, a small village right on the border with Liechtenstein, my cell phone only got a connection to phone providers in Liechtenstein :(. We stayed in the Hotel Alvier which is situated at 975 meters above sea level and offered a nice view of the surrounding mountains. Now you might wonder what brought me there, it was this year's training camp of our business unit. Throughout the week we worked in groups on topics such as Aspect Oriented Programming (especially with AspectJ), Software Tomography and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis). In addition we profited from a one-day Business Knigge seminary. The only low point of the week was the weather, which brought us rain on most of the days and even snow on Tuesday and Wednesday!
As usual pictures can be found in my gallery :)

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