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Monday, September 22, 2008

You know you're in the US...

... when getting Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Internet) connected takes at least 4 phone calls, 3 forms and possibly a personal visit to the office...

Here's the tragedy. My landlord applied for the electricity of my apartment to be charged to me. 3 weeks later I receive a form from the Electricity company that they couldn't verify my status and that I need to a) pay 50.- $ security deposit and b) have my lease and passport verified by a notary. Dutifully I did that. 2 weeks later I get a call that the electrician couldn't get into the house to read the meter and that my landlord should make an appointment. So I contacted the landlord and the appointment was set for Monday. Today, I come home and have the following note in my mailbox:

Your electricity will be shut off. Because you have not properly applied for electric service, we will shut off your electricity on or after 8:00am on 9-26-08 without further notice."

What the fuck! *extremelyPissedOff* What more should I do? Speak to the president so that he can put a nice word in for me?

to be continued...

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