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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Pittsburgh Unhinged

My return from Boston, more about that later, coincided with the win of the Superbowl by the Pittsburgh Steelers. The trip from the airport by bus was very interesting, because all of Downtown and large parts of Forbes Avenue (one of the main connections between Downtown and Oakland) was blocked off, so the Bus had to make a detour to Squirrel Hill (which is the suburb after Oakland, away from Downtown). When the bus finally got back on the route, we saw thousands of people congregated in the streets, wearing Steelers gear, waving the Terrible Towel, lighting fireworks and apparently having a good time. We also saw heavy police presence, some even in riot gear, firefighters and a couple of helicopters. Walking back home I was glad to have my yellow scarf with me, so I could blend into the crowd... ;)

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