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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Coldeve & Marylane @ Vorstadt Sounds Week

Vorstadt Sounds Week is a festival in Zurich which features eight consecutive nights with concerts from Swiss up and coming artist.

The location is a common room of a parish which was decorated with a lot of thought and care. The place felt like a cool and modern beach bar (without the sand of course ;) ).

Opening the evening were Marylane, a young band playing a mixture between trip hop and electroaccoustic with ethereal touches. This description may sound a bit clinical and completely misses the point ;). What Marylane does is play wonderful music which leads one on different planes and lets one forget everything that's happening around. And so it happened that an hour passed without my noticing and the concert was over way too soon. After the show I immediately bought one of their limited Demo CDs (the songs can be heard on myspace) and I'm looking forward to hear more from them in the near future :).

Next up were Coldeve, a Zurich based band playing a mixture of Alternative and Indie Rock with electronic influences. Compared to Marylane their sound has more power but lacks the ethereal edge. In this way they complement each other well which results in a perfect line-up. The audience obviously shared these sentiments and appeared in droves ensuring an (almost) sold out house, this stood in stark contrast to Coldeve's last concert in the Culture Club. Thus it was no wonder that they were extremely motivated and started full blast into their set. At first I was the only one dancing but after a while all open space was occupied, unfortunately there were many stools in the way, so the place was quite restricted. Coldeve played a very cool concert and the audience applauded ecstatically and would have been happy to listen longer than the hour that the gig lasted. But all good things have to end sometimes, and by the end of the gig I was very exhausted (it was extremely warm in the club and I was very active throughout ;) ).
Coldeve also sold their brand new CD "Super Himalaya" at the gig and Fatima, the singer, was so nice and gave me a copy in recognition of my enthusiastic cheering at the last concert :).

To sum up: Vorstadt Sounds is a very cool festival with a lot of flair and both Marylane and Coldeve are extremely cool bands which you should definitely check out!

PS: 333 posts and counting :D

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