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Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Best of Swiss Underground

I'm a big supporter of Swiss Bands, especially young ones who play cool music but haven't managed to make a break-through yet. So before going to the US I wanted to compile a playlist featuring songs from my favorite Swiss bands (one apiece).

Here goes:

2Idiot TalkSidewalkpoetsRevenge is Sweet
3ConsequenceMarylaneDemo CD
4I want YouElfishDon't ask why
5Something SpecialZhivagoZhivago
6InnocentColdeveSuper Himalaya
7King KongHenchmanUnmistaken
8Lost in TranslationFisherFisher
9SupermarketMy Name is GeorgeWow!
10Garden of SerenityTreekillazLeaving last
11The Chosen OneTempestaFulltime Joker - Fill the Void
12HeadtrashBackwashKick Ass!
13Child LikeLordrenLord of the Damned
14ShivaLabiaTake It
15Weird Dreams5 Pound Pocket UniverseHow to Kill an Elf
16Real WorldGrandmother's GrooveFemale Rockerz Club
17Always the SameEclectic Subtle TonesA Long Way to Go
18In Fuund Al TavulThe Vad VucThe Vad Vuc & Little Orchestra
19Arthur Darley Goes TamlinAn LárSnapshot

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  • I really like this list. I try to support young, innovative Swiss bands as well as much as i can.
    My favourites right now definitely are coldeve, they completely won me over with this vid:

    By Blogger Turkanaboy, at 10:18 AM  

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