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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

More nasty surprises by mail...

Yesterday I received my first gas bill (i.e. the gas used to cook). And it was 215 US$! According to the bill I have used up 10'200 Cubic Feet (CF) of Gas in 32 days.

I did a short research. A regular Oven uses about 40 CF of gas per hour, thus I would have been cooking for 10.6 hours every day!

Actually, I'm pretty sure that I used the oven only about five times to cook dinner or breakfast and even then it never ran for more than an hour...

A phone call to Equitable Gas this morning led to a suspension of the bill until further investigation. They did see, that there probably was a problem somewhere. Now I have to wait till they get back to me...

One thing is for sure, this month I'll keep a close diary on the time I use the stove.

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