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Monday, February 09, 2009


The hype around Coraline was quite big with a large web presence as well as commercials on tv (which I don't have so I have to take this as second hand information ;) ). But even without the hype it would have been clear that I had to see it because:
1. it is based on a Neil Gaiman story
2. it is directed by Henry Selick, the director of The Nightmare before Christmas
3. it was shot in stop-motion, same as The Nightmare before Christmas

The movie was everything I expected it to be, an astonishing ride with fantastic visuals, some scary scenes and a cool story, in addition it boasted an exceptionally creepy soundtrack. The only bummer was that the cinema we watched it at didn't support the Tru3d feature...

Nevertheless the movie gets 10 out of 10 points. (Who knows, in Tru3d it might have received more points ;) ).

That's it from my side, now go and watch it!



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