Count of all caches found: |
300 found on 149 caching days with 464 days total (32.1% caching days). |
Average overall: |
2.01 finds per caching day, 0.65 per day, 4.53 per week and 19.67 per month. |
Longest phase with a find: |
50 days from 10.08.2013 to 28.09.2013 |
Longest phase without a find: |
43 days from 11.01.2013 to 22.02.2013 |
Current phase: |
Pause phase: 1 days from 29.09.2013 to 29.09.2013 |
Most finds on a single day: |
12 finds on 01.08.2013 |
Best caching weekend: |
15 found on Saturday 31.08.2013 and Sunday 01.09.2013 |
Best calendar week: |
23 found from Monday 31.12.2012 to Sunday 06.01.2013 |
Total cache to cache distance: |
64251 km |
Nearest find: |
<5 Km, Das kleine Paradies (GC3VWMV) |
Farthest find: |
18416 Km, Box of Birds (Auckland City) (GC3W7HM) |
Northernmost find: |
N 67° 50.806, Pålles Pina (GC1DTQM) |
Southernmost find: |
S 36° 51.333, Box of Birds (Auckland City) (GC3W7HM) |
Westernmost find: |
W 149° 34.537, La Sarciaux (GC39Z9G) |
Easternmost find: |
E 177° 13.462, Welcome to Paradise (GC2NYRW) |
Cache centroid: |
Lat: N 33° 17.317, Lon: W 35° 43.760 (Show on map) |
Oldest cache found: |
Cache placed on 23.04.2002 (4177 days old): Keep an eye on the road (GC50A5) |
Newest cache found: |
Cache placed on 18.08.2013 (42 days old): Cacher-Olymp 2013 (GC4EJEJ) |
Most cache types within a day: |
5 different cache types on 31.08.2013 |
Most countries within a day: |
1 |
Most federal states within a day: |
2 different federal states on 01.08.2013: Lombardia, |
Logs written: |
300 logs - Chars: 124230 total & 414 average - Words: 21899 total & 73 average. |
Shortest log (chars): |
40 chars at HTWK Leipzig (GC3FFH9): Show log |
Longest log (chars): |
1685 chars at SWISS-MONOPOLY #05: Thun - Hauptgasse (GC408AN): Show log |
Shortest log (words): |
7 words at HTWK Leipzig (GC3FFH9): Show log |
Longest log (words): |
277 words at SWISS-MONOPOLY #05: Thun - Hauptgasse (GC408AN): Show log |