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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

At the Movies

Today we spent the (most of) the day at Waterfront, a shopping / movie complex in the south-east of Pittsburgh.

With 22 screens it boasts the biggest movie theater I've ever been in, and with movies for 5$ throughout the week, it offers the best deal I've ever seen.

First we went to see Wanted, an extremely cool action movie featuring Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. With 100 seats we were in one of the "smallest" screens, but the size of the screen itself was decent and bigger than many screens in Swiss cinemas. By the way, the layout of the screen was the same as at SouthSide Works. Slowly I begin to wonder if there is only one patented layout for big movie theatre screens...

After shopping for three hours we returned to the movies to catch Wall-E, the newest animated film from Pixar, a very cute and entertaining comedy. Which is preceded by a hilarious short-film!

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