Reading of Christian von Aster in Switzerland
During the next two weeks Christian von Aster, a german author who I've met several times, will hold four readings in Switzerland. I can highly recommend these events to you, I'll be present at all of them.
Further info in German:
Schweiz-Tournee Herbst 04
Draussen oktoberts bald wieder und die Tradition will es, dass dann jeweils ein Mann aus dem fernen Berlin anreist um die Schweizer mit seiner Kunst zu erfreuen. Christian von Aster wird auch in diesem Herbst zahlreiche Schweizer Etablissements belesen.
03.10.2004 Herrmann Stollen St. Gallen, "Der Harem der verschleierten Geschichten" weitere Infos
08.10.2004 Gnomon Games Planet Luzern, Lesung "Ein Brief vom Keilerstein" weitere Infos 09.10.2004 Grauzone Party Bern, "Fondue Fatal" weitere Infos
10.10.2004 Station 21 Zürich, "Phönixfederverse" weitere Infos
Many thanks to Gwen who has a homepage devoted to Christian von Aster.
Military Service almost finished
I almost finished this years Military service. Just a couple of more days. Mainly I'm sitting in an office and waiting for time to pass, from time to time I got a driving job. One day I drove from Bern to Geneva and back, the next day from Bern to Zurich and back. We went to a very good restaurant in Geneva, it's called "Café de Paris" and that's as well the only item on the menu :-) , but it was delicious. The most interesting thing that happened was on Sunday when suddenly all phones went dead, and since it was Sunday no one was around to make repairs...
Unlucky 13?
Yesterday was another concert of Labia, they played as opening act for Gigimoto at the GASB in Uster. Before the concert I had time to chat with the band and I could take a picture with them (see below) ;-) . This was the 13th time I've seen Labia in concert, this time they played one of their rare, maybe even their last, acoustic concert. However there was nothing unfortunate about this gig. Labia played a, at least in my eyes, flawless concert and the crowd was well pleased, they even asked for an encore. They played four of their softer songs (About, Without a Trace, Unique and another one) and two covers (one from Radiohead and one from Wheezer) and even though they only played the covers for the second time (first time was on Wednesday to practice) they sounded extremely solid.
After a short break Gigimoto and Jean-Pierre von Dach entered the small stage. They played a great show, which concluded a successful evening.
However I had not yet enough, so I went to the Abart. The party of the evening was Maximum Kick (nu metal, crossover, industrial & old school), and it held what it promised. After half an hour I was already totally exhausted. In the end I stayed till 3 am and I was quite happy to finally catch up with a bit of sleep.Labels: Concert, Labia
Labia and I
Lot of things have happened in the last two weeks
Here comes the Breakdown:
31.8. - 7.9. : Assessment examinations in 4 subjects.
Monday, 6.9. : While I was writing my exam in Mathematics, my family were moving from Langnau to Mettmenstetten. Shortly after I got back the moving team had finished and I could start unpacking all my stuff. In the evening my room was almost complete, just had to add a few posters and remove a couple of boxes.
Tuesday, 7.9. : Had the last exam in the morning, it was an oral exam in the subject "Information Systems/Web Technologies". It think I did ok. Back home I finished unpacking the last boxes and started collecting my military stuff.
Wednesday, 8.9. : 04.30 am Wake up, 05.13 am Taking the train to Zurich, 09.20 am Arrival at Valais, then I waited until noon till I had to do something...
Friday, 10.9. : 10.45 pm, finally back home.
Saturday, 11.9. : I visited the "Knabenschiessen", the biggest annual funfair in Zurich. They had some fantastic rides. In the evening I went to a concert of my favorite Swiss band: Labia. They played an awesome concert, afterwards I was almost powered out. After a short break the main act Mostly Harmless entered the stage. At first I just listened to the music, but after about half an hour I got carried away by it and started to "dance" and jump around. In the end I won the price as "Coolest Guy of the Evening", I was quite flattered :-), I received all of their CD's and a jumper. This evening was well worth it, even though my neck is still hurting from too passionate dancing :-).
Big Conspiracy ???
Even though I do not believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy by the American government, I found this account slightly disturbing. Why confiscate material which could proove what happened?
... and here a counter proposal. Even though it tends to go into the absurd from time to time, I do believe that there are some grains of truths hidden there, especially about what happens to a plain when it hits a building...
In the end everyone has to make up his own mind.