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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Schelmish & Des Königs Halunken @ Z7

After almost a year-long absence I returned to the Z7 for a concert.

Opening act for the evening were the one and only Swiss medieval rock band Des Königs Halunken. They did not only make excellent music but also entertain us with tales of their misfortunes and the evil deeds of their king. There were about the same number of people in the Z7 as were in the Werk21, where I saw them the last time. The difference, however, was the size of the place, the Z7 being several times larger, nevertheless they managed to infect the audience with their enthusiasm and the crowd danced and clapped enthusiastically. Then something quite rare happened, calls for an encore were voiced by the audience, and, which is even rarer, they were answered with an extremely funny performance of 'Ich habe ein Problem' where they called Luzi from Schelmish onto the stage and demonstrated the meaning of the lyrics on him.

Next up were Schelmish, the main act of the evening, with a brand-new program. So far Schelmish have been famous for their Medieval Folk music and that's how I got to know them, seeing them live at various medieval markets and festivals. But for this program they wanted to do something new and different. They tried their hands at Medieval Rock. But they went one step further than, for example Saltatio Mortis, and also introduced a DJ giving some of the newer songs Techno influences.
To be honest, this wasn't my cup of tea. I'm more a medieval purist and prefer true medieval folk. In some cases rock elements sound good, but I'm just no fan of techno and so I couldn't really dig this new facet of Schelmish. Nevertheless there were enough people who enjoyed themselves and so it was quite a successful evening for the band. In the future I'll still visit concerts by Schelmish, but I'll make sure that it is a medieval performance.

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